
Aiken House: Pittsburgh's Only Venture Studio

About Aiken House

Aiken House is a venture studio. Not sure WTF a venture studio is? No worries. A venture studio is a place where you bring an idea + your passion and let them do the rest. Sounds good, right?

And what exactly is "the rest"? Glad you asked. Aiken House's specialties include branding, marketing, design, development, and you could possibly need to gain real traction to either raise a round or turn your idea into a sustainable business.

Add a little Boylston magic ✨

  • Blog design + maitanence
  • Keyword strategy
  • Writing awesome, SEO-friendly content
  • Promoting brand across digital channels

What's next for Aiken House?

Since the new and improved Aiken House site launched in March 2019, Boylston has been helping the Aiken House team create a strong base of hyper-relevant local and pillar content to build their readership. After explore several different directions in terms of content focus, it's time to zero in on the keywords and strategies that have the biggest ROI for Aiken House and lead to the biggest spikes in traffic and conversion.

Aiken House asked us to help

— Use data and analytics to optimize their content strategy

— Drive traffic to the Aiken House site

— Tap into their local Pittsburgh audience

See our work in action

Turn your idea into a venture adventure with Aiken House.